Commentary, Fitness, Life Lessons, Lifestyle, Nutrition, vegan tips

You Might Be Wasting Your Time With Diet and Exercise

There are many things you could try if you want to be healthier. You could decide to eat a salad every day, drink more water, get to bed earlier or take a fitness class. Given 5 minutes, you could list dozens of possibilities. But too many options cause a kind of paralysis.  There is always… Continue reading You Might Be Wasting Your Time With Diet and Exercise

Commentary, Nutrition

Ottawa’s Hidden Vegan Gem: Govinda’s Restaurant

Ottawa is becoming a great place to eat out for vegans. As our “Vegan In Ottawa”guide shows, there really is no shortage of decent options in the city. But there is one vegan restaurant that has been serving Ottawa for decades that many people overlook. Granted, Govinda’s buffet is not what you would call fine… Continue reading Ottawa’s Hidden Vegan Gem: Govinda’s Restaurant

Commentary, Nutrition, Sports Nutrition, Vegan Fitness

Three Vegan Nutrition Fixes to Kick Ass Like Nate Diaz

It’s a sad statistic that seventy percent of vegans go back to eating animal products of some kind. Health concerns are among the highest cited reason for this lapse. On the other side of the coin, there are athletes achieving peak health and optimal performance on a vegan diet. Serena William’s recent plant-based Wimbledon victory… Continue reading Three Vegan Nutrition Fixes to Kick Ass Like Nate Diaz

Nutrition, Recipes

Pink Fluff Banana Smoothie

AKA the easiest smoothie ever! This crowd pleaser has the prettiest colour and best flavour. It's perfect pre or post workout, at work as a mobile breakfast or for the little ones. It tastes like cotton candy but it naturally sweetened so what's not to love? Make one today! Ingredients 1 cup of frozen strawberries… Continue reading Pink Fluff Banana Smoothie

Nutrition, Radio Segment, Sports Nutrition, Vegan Fitness

LIVE 88.5 Startup, January 18th: Three Incredible Foods to Boost Athletic Performance!

I never cease to be amazed at the power of whole plant foods. Here is my discussion from January 18th with the LIVE 88.5 Startup crew. We talk about three amazing foods to dramatically improve your exercise and sports performance, drug free! Here is a blog I shared on the same topic earlier this month.… Continue reading LIVE 88.5 Startup, January 18th: Three Incredible Foods to Boost Athletic Performance!